“Multi.Ch. Moon Worker’s Enrico”, aka “Rico”, but also “Rikje, Rikketik, …”, or “L’amour brut – Rough Love”. That says it all. One big turbulent piece of pure love!
Rico, my first Flatcoated Retriever, but not the least. A big boy, both literally and figuratively speaking.
We achieved very nice results at show together, with as icing on the cake “Best In Show Cloppenburg 2008”, several times “Best Of Group 8”, and meanwhile also “Best Veteran In Show”. Rico has earned several champions titles: Ch.Lux.Vet.’14 ; Ch.I.B.’14; Ch.Belg.Vet.’13; Ch.Belg.E.’13; Ch. Belg.B.’11; Ch.I.E.’11; Ch.Ned.’11; Ch.VDH.’07; Ch.Lux.’07.
Rico is a very good picking-up dog as well. Although I cannot always get him where I want him to be (he knows it better…), no game is lost with him. Even during the last season, just before his 9th birthday, he kept on working zealously. Several hunters asked me “how old my doggy was”. Answer: “nine”. Question: “months?” (aiming at his never-ending enthusiasm). Answer: “no, years…” ?
Rico, my hero, my big support through the loss of my little red ones… I really hope my big black loverboy will be able to keep his enthusiasm for many more years!