Clearly a Nova Scotia DUCK Tolling Retriever ?
Finally… a little red one again! I fell in love with this breed about 18 years ago, but after Yukon and Yggr’s loss, it took me some time before I was “ready again” for another red one. But true love never grows old, so I deeply fell in love again with the puppies out of “Red Raisins Bayard for Alliance” aka Murphy x “Alliance de la Vie The Dream Lives On” aka Bonny.
A male it would be, and there were three of them. All three were chubby, all three of them sweet and wonderful. But still, there was one puppy with which I really had a “click” during our first visit at three weeks of age, one puppy that caught my eye… Still, we had to wait for three more weeks until that lovely afternoon during which we all would hear which puppy would live with which family. My prayers were answered…
“Blue boy”, “Alliance de la Vie Fox And Hound” aka Rusty, my “love at first sight”, would come and live with us! A coincidence or not, Wunjo was also “blue boy” ? Both “blue boys” were big friends from early on, and during the next visits there bond only became stronger.
After lots of visits to the Netherlands, and two long weekends together, Rusty finally came home at the end of November 2015. And it feels so good to have a “little red devil” again!
Meanwhile, Rusty is developing into a very smart en outgoing character, that loves to explore the limits. An ideal duo with Wunjo to do all kind of silly things! In the future, I hope they will also be a nice hunting duo, and that we will have some great moments at show together also.
Rusty… long-awaited and oh so welcome!