01/09/2014: Eindelijk, het is zover! Mijn nieuwe website is online! Het heeft heel wat voeten in de aarde gehad voor het zover gekomen is, maar het resultaat mag er meer dan zijn. Eerst uitzoeken wie het zou kunnen en willen doen. Dan beslissen hoe de site er moest uitzien. Voor een twijfelaar als ik een […]
For months now, I have been looking forward to it… First of all, waiting for the bitch to come into heat (and guess what… when you’re waiting for it, she surely will be late, as she was!). Waiting for a good mating. Waiting for the positive news that she’s pregnant. Waiting for the puppies to […]
A lot of things happened in the last 6 months! Besides really good results at show, and a wonderful hunting season, there’s one thing constantly on my mind… On the 26th of November, I had to say goodbye to Yukon and Yggr. It is so hard to let go two dogs at the same time, […]
01/09/2014: Finally, the time has come! My new website is online! It took a fairly long period of time, but the result is more than worth it. First, find out who could and would like to make it. Then decide what is should look like. Not so easy for an indecisive person as me! And […]